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Freelancer.com is the world's largest outsourcing and crowdsourcing marketplace for small business. Freelancer.com have hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers from all over the world.

Freelancer.com connect over 3,318,463 employers and freelancers globally from over 234 countries & regions. Through Freelancer.com website, employers can hire freelancers to do work in areas such as software, writing, data entry and design right through to engineering and the sciences, sales and marketing, and accounting & legal services.

Freelancer.com and regional Freelancer websites are operated by Freelancer International Pty. Limited, trading as Freelancer.com (ACN 134 845 748), with license from Freelancer Technology Pty Limited (ACN 142 189 759) and Plendo Sweden AB (Org. No 556773-0568). Freemarket.com is operated by Freelancer International Pty. Limited, with license from Freelancer Technology Pty Limited (ACN 142 189 759) and Freemarket (Switzerland) GmbH, wholly owned subsidiaries of the Freelancer Group. Freelancer.com was started in February 2004 and is today one of the top online freelance marketplaces in the world.

Freelancer International Pty Limited is an Australian Proprietary Limited Company, regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Freelancer.com Pte Ltd is a Singapore Company, regulated by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). Plendo Sweden AB is a Swedish company regulated by the Swedish Companies Office (Bolagsverket).

Visit http://www.freelancer.com/ for more information.

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