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NMIMS Invites Application/Nominations for Leadership Positions

Invites Application/Nominations for Leadership Positions
Responsible for overall administration of the University including admissions, examinations, administration. Personnel etc. Incumbent will be responsible for coordination with various Schools and off centre campuses, statutory legal & regulatory bodies & accreditation agencies, students affairs, etc. Registrar shall be the custodian of University properties & records and will also be the secretary to Board of Management, Academic Council and Planning & Monitoring Committee.
\DEAN - NMIMS Global Access-School for Continuing Education
NMIMS Global Access is mandated to develop and otter Management and other education related programs to the executive markets through e-learning model and hence it is an e-Executive Education. The school will reach out to executives anywhere anytime. Zee Business ranked NMIMS Global Access as No. 2 in continuing Executive Education market.
The incumbent shall be completely responsible for academic administration, running the programmes, formulating strategies, curriculum design & development, monitoring teaching-learning    processes    and    Industry    Institute
collaboration. Comprehensive knowledge of various govt, regulations related to distance learning and open universities is desirable.
DIRECTOR (Marketing)
Responsible for publicity, media relations, sales, advertisements, digital marketing & form a strong marketing department. Needs to develop brand visibility in digital space. Enhance global marketing of the organization. Brand development among all stake holders viz. students, corporate, trust organizations, government authorities, faculty & bankers. Create a strong linkage and a communicator between student fraternity and the corporate world.
ASSOCIATE DEAN (Technology Management)
Overall responsible for the growth of unique & innovative integrated programme (MBA-Technology Management) and expected to actively participate in planning and implementation of academic programmes and leading a portfolio of long & short duration programmes in technology Management. Work to attract well-known professionals & academics.

Pay Scales: As per UGC guidelines; but will not be a constraint for the right candidate.
Candidates who had already applied for the above posts need not re-apply.
For eligibility, other details and online application, visit 'Careers' at www.nmims.edu | Last date to Apply - 03rd May, 2014

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