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Applications are invited for the Faculty posts in IITRAM Ahmedabad

Applications are invited for the Faculty posts in IITRAM Ahmedabad in the following disciplines :
  • Civil Engineering/ Computer Science and Engineering/ Electrical Engineering (including Electronics)/ Mechanical Engineering/ English and Communication Skills/ Economics/ Mathematics/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Sociology/ Psychology
Posts :
  1. Professor
  2. Associate Professor
  3. Assistant Professor
  4. Assistant Professor (On Contract)
How to Apply : Apply by sending (i) A covering letter (ii) Complete CV with personal and professional information (iii) list of publications and contact details (iv) a statement of purpose including statement on research and teaching (v)  names and contact (email and telephone number of three referees who are familiar with the professional qualification. Apply online athttp://iitram.ac.in/jobs/login.php on or before 15/11/2014 and send hard copy with supported documents.   

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