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Proficiency Online Examination For Contractual Manpower of Bihar By Bihar Knowledge Society July - 2014

Bihar Knowledge Society is a Key interface between learners and the Industry there by creating job opportunities for talent for Bihar. There is a need for institutional mechanism to assists individuals to become employable through trainings and skills development. This assistance is crucial to improve and sustain their productivity and income-earning opportunities at work. It serves to enhance their mobility in the job market and offer the potential for increased career choices. By investing in our human resources, enterprises are able to improve productivity and compete more successfully in increasingly integrated world economies. The organization should seek to promote greater investment in skills and training so that men and women have enhanced and equal access to productive and decent work. Through this vehicles of advocacy, knowledge development and services, this institution should promotes the improvement of training policies and programmes across the state of Bihar, with special emphasis on training strategies that support the integration of groups that may be disadvantaged in the job market.
Bihar Knowledge Society is a registered society which aims to empower the youth for accessing better employment opportunities in the age of knowledge based economy. Bihar Knowledge Society basically bridge the education system and industrial demands by providing qualified individuals ; Impart necessary training and vocational education; polish and provide working skills (technical, professional &soft) to both youth and working individuals so they can indulge themselves as per the industrial and marketing requirements; ensure that socially and economically challenged youths are equally represented in the IT/ITES employment and also accredit students living in rural areas so as to diminish the distance between urban-rural society. As per above Bihar Knowledge Society is going to hold an examination for three posts:

1. Data entry operator
2. Stenographer
3. Programmer

There are two sections for these three posts:
• Grade-1(Equal or more than 10 years experience)
• Grade-2(Equal or more than 3 years experience)
Examination is scheduled on 3rd Aug 2014 for DEO, stenographer & Programmer


  1. Salary Badane ke liye exam liya jata hai. Kya Employee ke skill up gradation ke liye training bhi diya jata hai ??

  2. Salary toh aise bhi badhne wali hai phir is exam ka kya matlab hai
    see news https://scontent-b-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t1.0-9/10532381_674630902590854_3091025090796499511_n.jpg

  3. BKS se exam kyo liye jata hai

  4. is news par bhi dhyan de

  5. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/s526x395/10468643_671984869522124_3369990860849973822_n.jpg
