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Recruitment of Pharmacists, Control Room Operators and Armourers in State Bank of India

English: SBI hq in Mumbai
English: SBI hq in Mumbai (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
State Bank of India
Recruitment of Pharmacists, Control Room Operators and Armourers
(Advt. No. CRPD/CRS/2013-14/09)

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for recruitment to the posts of Pharmacists, Control Room Operators and Armourers in State Bank of India in clerical cadre.
The eligibility criteria (age, qualification & experience), requisite fees and other details are available in the advertisement, on the Bank's websites www.statebankofindia.com and www.sbi.co.in alongwith a link for on-line registration of application. Candidates are advised to go through the detailed advertisement ensuring eligibility / vacancy position before applying and remitting fees. The detailed advertisement will also be published in the Employment News/Rojgar Samachar issue dated 9th November 2013 or in subsequent issue.
  • Online Registration from: 08.11.2013 to 22.11.2013
  • Payment of fees On-line: 08.11.2013 to 22.11.2013
  • Payment of fees Off-line: 11.11.2013 to 26.11.2013

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