Udyog Samvad is a platform for direct dialogue between Department of Industries, Govt. of Bihar

Udyog Samvad is a platform for direct dialogue between Department of Industries, Govt. of Bihar and the new entrepreneurs and existing entrepreneurs who want to setup or already setup or going to setup an enterprise in Bihar. This is an initiative to resolve the issues of the existing entrepreneurs and to answer the queries of all potential entrepreneurs in the state. It is monitored on daily basis by Principal Secretary, Department of Industries, Govt. of Bihar.

udyog samvad

Want to be an Entrepreneur
क्या आप उद्यमी
बनना चाहते हैं |


udyog samvad

New Entrepreneur
नए उद्यमी


udyog samvad

Existing Entrepreneur
कार्यरत उद्यमी


udyog samvad

Action Taken 
की गयी कार्यवाही


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